The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Anime – Armor

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on July 25th, 2024 by Willie

Emma Frost tries to convince the X-Men that she is now in fact “cool” while the X-Men continue to slaughter pre-deceased cyborgs on the latest episode X-Men Anime! Join us as we discuss…

  • Why we want all Star Wars and Marvel TV shows to be episodic, not cinematic!
  • Coming up with a good reason as to why the X-Men wear tight-fitting spandex!
  • Cyclops does not need to touch his visor to shoot optic blasts!
  • Remembering little things about why X-Men 97 was the GOAT!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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The X-Men TAS Podcast: Superman – The Last Son of Krypton Part Three

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on July 18th, 2024 by Willie

The Man of Steel is not as strong as he is supposed to be but the people of Metropolis love him anyway as we dive into another episode of the 90s classic, Superman TAS! Join us as we discuss…

  • Watching so much Superman media to the point of confusion!
  • Clark Kent, smooth and suave!
  • Why Superman needs to pick more villains up by the pants!
  • Fixating on Lex Luthor’s baldness as being the primary motivator in his hatred of Superman!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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The X-Men TAS Podcast: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends – Sunfire

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on July 11th, 2024 by Willie

Sunfire falls in love Firestar after he sees her doing something extremely obscene with a meteor that is about to crash into NYC on the latest episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends! Join us as we discuss…

  • Being utterly confused as to where the Spider-Friends base is located!
  • Sunfire falling love with both Angelica and Firestar, and then immediately ditching Angelica!
  • Is Bobby in love with Angelica too? Peter? It’s confusing…
  • Iceman has trouble freezing a bunch of slow moving robots but has no problem freezing the entirety of the East River!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Anime – U-Men

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on July 4th, 2024 by Willie

The X-Men battle the U-Man in some sort of war of the extended “man-verse” on the latest episode X-Men Anime! Join us as we discuss…

  • Star Wars TV and other anime about…golf(?)!
  • Wondering if we’d be suckered into buying a Limited Edition “Cerebro” Phone brought to you by Samsung in the late 2020s!
  • Why Wolverine punching Cyclops worked in X-Men TAS but not in this show!
  • Clumsily psycho-analyzing a bunch of X-Men and wondering what each character is a metaphor for!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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The X-Men TAS Podcast: Superman – The Last Son of Krypton Part Two

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on June 27th, 2024 by Willie

Superman is everywhere this week from new movies to new cartoons and we talk about it all so join as we discuss…

  • James Gunn Superman photo leaks, My Adventures With Superman being fantastic and the new Caped Crusader cartoon trailer!
  • Pondering what we would do if we found an alien baby on the side of the road somewhere!
  • Trying and failing to understand the science of the red vs. yellow sun magic that powers Superman!
  • Noticing that this Clark Kent doesn’t bumble around!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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The X-Men TAS Podcast: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends – The Fantastic Mr. Frump

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on June 20th, 2024 by Willie

Spider-Man and the gang tangle with their most fearsome foe yet, an old unemployed  man who wants to paint NYC with rainbow polka-dots…also Dr. Doom…so join us as we discuss!

  • Marvel’s long history of being the cheapest company in the world!
  • Some potentially scary body-horror moments for the kids watching at home!
  • More casual racism, this time in the form of Genghis Khan!
  • Despite everything, an extremely comic accurate portrayal of Dr. Doom!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Anime – The Return

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on June 13th, 2024 by Willie

The X-Men travel to Japan in 2011 to rescue a mutant while their lavish hair blows dramatically through the wind in the world of X-Men Anime! Join us as we discuss…

  • If X-Men 97 keeps bumping along throughout the 2000s, will it one day sort of merge with what see going on in this Warren Ellis version of X-Men Anime?
  • Would Storm really take a cruise?
  • Enjoying a long conversation about who cleans the X-Mansion!
  • Wolverine recruiting sad Cyclops, we’ve seen this too many times!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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The X-Men TAS Podcast: Superman – The Last Son of Krypton Part One

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on June 6th, 2024 by Willie

This week, the Man of Steel blasts off from his home planet of Krypton and into our animation rotation with Superman TAS! Join us as we discuss…

  • Superman, underrated? We think so!
  • Lara, Lois, Lana…what’s going on here?
  • Trying to figure out in real time if the periodic table of elements has Krypton or Kryptonite on it!
  • Next week is X-Men: Anime…what a tone shift!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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The X-Men TAS Podcast: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends – Triumph of the Green Goblin

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on May 30th, 2024 by Willie

X-Men 97: Season 2 isn’t coming for a million years so we decided to kill the time waiting by watching three different animated classics and we start with the hilarious Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends! Join us as we discuss…

  • More Marvel cameos than you can fill a multiverse with!
  • How this episode basically has the same plot of both Batman Begins and the Amazing Spider-Man Andrew Garfield movie!
  • Drunk Iceman!
  • Stay away from Tony’s Pizza!
  • Superman TAS next week! X-Men Anime the week after!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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X-Men TAS Podcast: CONFIDENTIAL Fan Q&A Session #2

Posted in The X-Men TAS Podcast on May 23rd, 2024 by Willie

X-Men 97 is over and we’re all left to ponder the great mysteries of the universe such as the deepest, darkest secrets of how we fell in love and what are guiltiest pleasures are! Also, lots of future X-Men movie speculation, our ideal favorite X-Men video games,  X-Men 97 season 2 speculation and just exactly what we are gonna do with this podcast going forward! Thanks to everyone who submitted questions, we love you all and had a lot of fun recording this one!

The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout or iTunes and tell all your friends about it! Follow Willie Simpson on Twitterand Threads and please join our Facebook Group! Last but not least, if you want to support the show, you can Buy Us a Coffee as well!

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