The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Secret Wars: Chapter Two – The Gauntlet of the Red Skull

Spider-Man’s jealous of Captain America while Morbius expresses a bond deeper than love on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss…

  • That you have to make sure to have consent before transporting someone across the galaxy!
  • How Red Skull somehow managed to recruit Nazi goons on an alien world!
  • Is Spider-Man cheating on his transdimensionally lost girlfriend, or the corpse of his cloned wife?
  • How we’re wishing for X-Men tv shows and cartoons more than movies these days!

Only three episodes to go after this one until we complete our five season odyssey with our favorite animated web-head! Make sure to subscribe to our podcast via Buzzsprout, iTunes or Stitcher and tell all your friends about it! Last but not least, follow Willie Simpson on Twitter and please join our Facebook Group!