The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Foresight Part One
We begin the final trilogy of episodes that close out Wolverine and the X-Men! There are so many storylines to juggle and we’ll need your help figuring it out so join us as we discuss… A peak behind the scenes for our future podcast plans! What works and doesn’t work when you remix the X-Men…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Aces and Eights
Gambit creeps on Polaris as we can’t help but compare and contrast our favorite superhero properties over and over! Join us as we discuss… Peacemaker (still fun!) Reacher (simple fun!) Boba Fett (mindless fun!) and some heedless speculation about X-Men 97 (always fun!) and the future of DC (potentially fun!) Wait, just how old is…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution – The Toad, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
We go as deep as we can in examining the role Disney plays in controlling their Marvel properties and also talk about how we can’t stand Toad! Join us as discuss… Being drawn back into the Falcon and Winter Soldier! Wondering what exactly the audience is for Marvel MCU stuff! How Amanda is a bit…