Tag: Superman

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – Beware the Gray Ghost

    The Dark Knight shames an old actor out of retirement to fight crime, causing him to have a total psychological break with reality! It’s a classic episode of Batman TAS so make sure to join us as we discuss… The fun of She-Hulk meeting Daredevil and why we want the Mario movie to be whacky…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne

    The Dark Knight meets the DC version of Doctor Strange and completely humiliates him in one of the most entertaining episodes of Batman TAS ever! Join us as we discuss… Would She-Hulk have been better as an animated show!? The Batplane just defying all known laws of physics! Alfred folding underpants and its implications on…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Stolen Lives

    In 2021, it seems like Wolverine is the only one left in the dark when it comes to his mysterious past! This time, Mystique is the one help him find out what everyone already knows on the latest episode of W&tXM! Join us as we discuss… Our appreciation for 90s Superman TAS and our current…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution – Cruise Control

    The end of Season Three of X-Men Evolution takes us out into the ocean, where the X-Men battle a volcano! Join us as we discuss… Taking a deeper dive into the DC Animated Universe! Having very different opinions on exactly what real life city Gotham reminds us of! I guess Apocalypse just got away? Iceman…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

    Redemption comes to the X-Men TAS Podcast this week as we explore Zack Snyder’s Justice League! Join us as we discuss (very spoilerifically)… Sonia’s thoughts on seeing the entire Zack Snyder superhero catalog for the first time in 72 hours! How a four hour movie experience is very suited to the times we currently live…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Lizard King

    Spider-Man is a hero of the sky, the skyscrapers, the streets and the sewers on the latest and greatest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… Making out in front of your relatives! Mary Jane and Lois Lane…taking a lot of crazy risks for their super dudes! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…and Lizards! Some…

  • The Real History of Marvel Comics with Jack Kirby in an Ultra Rare Interview

    Superhero movies are everywhere these days, coldly destroying the competition in the movie theaters in the summer.  Their omnipresence is even sparking interesting debate from elitist movie critics at the New York Times.  With movies starring classic comic book characters like Spider-Man, Thor, Iron Man, and the X-Men, the question rises as to what collection…

  • Seinfeld, Michael Jackson, and Montages

    Youtube is kind of awful.  I found some absolutely golden clips from “Seinfeld” that I’d love to post and do intensive analysis of, but nearly all of the clips are disabled for embedding.  Luckily, I have found a few killer scenes that have escaped the clutches of the youtube machine for now.  They’ll probably be…