The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – The Return of Hydro-Man: Part Two
COME for the insane debate over transporter technology and clone death but STAY for the stunning Spider-Man twists and turns! Join us as we discuss… How the Black Cat reluctantly settled for the ugly vampire! The emotions of a clone! Doc Connors vs. Professor X, who do YOU trust with your mind? Why we wish…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Six Forgotten Warriors: Chapter 5 – The Price of Heroism
SHIELD nearly blows up New York City while the Red Skull’s family isn’t as happy as we thought on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… Trying not to bear hug a man coursing with electricity! Wanna take over the world? Better get a quorum together at the UN first! Cap,…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Six Forgotten Warriors: Chapter 4- The Six Fight Again
The Doomsday Device is revealed and Captain America returns to defend democracy on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… The Thunderer wasted his life! Red Skull, jovial family man? The Kingpin’s poor investment strategy in mysterious Doomsday devices! Half a dozen robots…the world quakes in fear! What would make the…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Six Forgotten Warriors: Chapter 2 – Unclaimed Legacy
Cold War intrigue descends like a fine mist over the Spider-Man TAS universe! Join us as we discuss… Making a better Captain America movie! Russians and Americans, can’t we just be friends? Can’t the Rhino at least try to twitch his muscles? So, Spider-Man just web-slinged through miles of Chernobyl to catch his plane ride…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – The Spot
Spider-Man gets tangled up in some inter-dimensional holes battling the Spot on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… Tony Stark, world’s worst boss? Kingpin’s keen eye for free lance mad scientist talent! British villains, someone explain this to us! The Spot’s goofy throwback charm! What a fun episode this was…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Tombstone
We’re back in the world of the web-slinger and we enjoy one of our goofiest conversations yet in the latest episode of the Spider-Man Years! Join us as we discuss… Ranking the tiers of villainy in the Spider-Man Universe! These yutes today! Live-action Spider-Man should just be a TV show! It’s time for Peter to…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
We spoil the crap out of this one so be warned…We discuss… The implications of a post-Endgame World! Peter’s questionable relationship with Tony Stark! The future of Spider-Man movies in the MCU! The future of our podcast! Lest we give away too much in the description, let us just quit while we are ahead! Make…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Duel of the Hunters
Punisher, Kraven, Spider-Man, Man-Spider, Mary Jane, Morbius, Harry Osborne! The characters that show up in this episode are endless so join us as we discuss… Punisher, less sadistic, more superhero! The smelliest places in NYC! Deborah Whitman’s continued lack of respect! Is the Neogenic Nightmare truly over? More thoughts on Avengers Endgame! That’s right, stay…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Enter the Punisher
Punisher enters and Spider-Man is not really afraid…Join us as we discuss… Peter’s still bad at dating! So many HBO references! The various incarnations of the Punisher we could think of! Aunt May in total denial! Spider-Man probably has no respect for Morbius as a scientist! This is one of the best Spider-Man episodes yet…