The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
We return to the Spider-Man years and Sony’s Spider-Tastic Cinematic Universe as we dive deep into Spider-Man: No Way Home! Join us as we discuss… All the spoilerly details fit to print (well, we won’t print them here)! No extended bullet points for this one, you just gotta dive in once you have seen the…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: What If…Zombies!?
Zombies have sucked out the brains of the world’s mightiest heroes but luckily Dr. Strange’s cape brings us all a sense of calm in such frightening times! Join us as we discuss… Wishing the best for the Matrix 4! Exploding with joy over the tease of the new Wolverine video game (well, one of us…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Generation X (1996)
We dig up an artifact of X-Men lore and dive deep into the failed made-for-tv movie/pilot, Generation X from 1996. Join us as we discuss… The best live action Emma Frost of all-time! The strange Banshee connection between this and X-Men TAS! The weird connections between the plot of Generation X and Batman Forever! Jubilee,…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Fantastic Four (2015)
How Fantastic is this movie? Not very…Join us to discuss… One of the more interesting behind the scenes Hollywood disasters in Marvel history! A missed opportunity for Tommy Wiseau! All your favorite FF4 characters with practically zero personality traits! Our attempts to script doctor (doom) this thing into something better! While this movie wasn’t great,…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Fantastic Four (2005)
When there were no more original X-Men or Spider-Man TAS episodes to cover, we ventured back to the movies, this time with the immortal classic, Fantastic Four from 2005! Join us as we discuss… The hell-scape of mid-2000s culture! The tragedy of the Invisible Woman! The triumph of the Thing’s rubber suit! Doom, petty tyrant…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – BONUS: Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Our final Spider-Man cinematic entry to cover (more or less) brings a bunch of surprises to your intrepid hosts! Join us as we discuss… The most expensive movie of all-time (well, briefly)! Why we think Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker is insane! Was anyone’s heart in this? How you might enjoy this movie (and podcast) played…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Secret Wars: Chapter Five – Farewell Spider-Man
We say farewell to Spider-Man TAS and say hello to an uncertain future as we dive deep on a slew of Spider-Man, X-Men and world related topics! Join us as we discuss… Spider-Man’s interdimensional confusion! Uncle Ben and Mary Jane, resurrected and it feels so good! Why can’t anyone notice that Spider-Carnage is a crazy…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Secret Wars: Chapter Three: Doom
The Fantastic Four take center stage as they take on the benevolence(?) of Dr. Doom in the third to last Spidey TAS episode ever! Join us as we discuss… Why Dr. Doom is awesome and the FF4 are kind of lame! Is slapping “new” on a freshly discovered region lazy cartography? More sad moments from…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Secret Wars: Chapter Two – The Gauntlet of the Red Skull
Spider-Man’s jealous of Captain America while Morbius expresses a bond deeper than love on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… That you have to make sure to have consent before transporting someone across the galaxy! How Red Skull somehow managed to recruit Nazi goons on an alien world! Is Spider-Man…