The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Secret Wars: Chapter Five – Farewell Spider-Man
We say farewell to Spider-Man TAS and say hello to an uncertain future as we dive deep on a slew of Spider-Man, X-Men and world related topics! Join us as we discuss… Spider-Man’s interdimensional confusion! Uncle Ben and Mary Jane, resurrected and it feels so good! Why can’t anyone notice that Spider-Carnage is a crazy…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Secret Wars: Chapter Three: Doom
The Fantastic Four take center stage as they take on the benevolence(?) of Dr. Doom in the third to last Spidey TAS episode ever! Join us as we discuss… Why Dr. Doom is awesome and the FF4 are kind of lame! Is slapping “new” on a freshly discovered region lazy cartography? More sad moments from…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Secret Wars: Chapter Two – The Gauntlet of the Red Skull
Spider-Man’s jealous of Captain America while Morbius expresses a bond deeper than love on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… That you have to make sure to have consent before transporting someone across the galaxy! How Red Skull somehow managed to recruit Nazi goons on an alien world! Is Spider-Man…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Secret Wars: Chapter One – The Arrival
For Spider-Man’s final adventure, he is beamed across the galaxy to fight in a battle of good vs. evil because some super god can’t tell the difference yet! Join us as we discuss… Shopping a better title for planet Earth! How the bench for the team of evil gets a little weak at the end!…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – The Return of Hydro-Man: Part Two
COME for the insane debate over transporter technology and clone death but STAY for the stunning Spider-Man twists and turns! Join us as we discuss… How the Black Cat reluctantly settled for the ugly vampire! The emotions of a clone! Doc Connors vs. Professor X, who do YOU trust with your mind? Why we wish…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – The Return of Hydro-Man: Part One
Little did Mary Jane realize that by marrying Peter Parker, you marry his perpetual rain cloud! Join us to discuss… The hellish commute from NYC to Niagara Falls and back! Why Mary Jane and Peter should consider moving back to Queens! How it’s getting harder to just accept that Felicia and Peter just don’t know…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Six Forgotten Warriors: Chapter 5 – The Price of Heroism
SHIELD nearly blows up New York City while the Red Skull’s family isn’t as happy as we thought on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… Trying not to bear hug a man coursing with electricity! Wanna take over the world? Better get a quorum together at the UN first! Cap,…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Six Forgotten Warriors: Chapter 4- The Six Fight Again
The Doomsday Device is revealed and Captain America returns to defend democracy on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… The Thunderer wasted his life! Red Skull, jovial family man? The Kingpin’s poor investment strategy in mysterious Doomsday devices! Half a dozen robots…the world quakes in fear! What would make the…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – Six Forgotten Warriors: Chapter 3 – Secrets of the Six
Spider-Man is webbed up in a world of secrets involving Captain America, Red Skull, Uncle Ben and the Whizzer?? Join us to discuss… This is a Watchmen ripoff, right? Superhero magical rings, where do you come down on the issue? The many mixed origins of Captain America! Couldn’t Cap have just wrestled Red Skull in…