Tag: marvel

  • The Ramones, Spider-Man Theme Song

    Holy shit, did you know that the guy who co-wrote the original Spider-Man theme song with Bob Harris was 3 time Oscar winner Paul Francis Webster?  I know, WEBster, you can’t make that shit up!  The original theme song to the classic 1967 cartoon, and now classic internet meme, “Spider-Man,” was a work of genius. …

  • Thougths on the New Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

    “The Amazing Spider-Man” is Sony and Marvel’s reboot of the billion dollar Spider-Man movie franchise…That’s right, a REBOOT of a film that only came out less than ten years ago.  Well, the trailer leaked a few days ago, causing quite a firestorm on the internet.  Everybody has their opinions, but not everybody has a website…