Tag: kingpin

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Mutants Revenge

    The X-Men and Spider-Man part as friends and really, who could ask for more! Join us as we discuss… Wolverine relative disinterest in a guy dropping pumpkin bombs on him! Missile launchers on the tops of NYC buildings! Spider-Man’s costume, how garish? The X-Men are very sorry… Avengers, Shazam and Star Wars, too much already?…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – The Mutant Agenda

    Queue that driving theme song as Spider-Man swings into Westchester to meet our old pals, Alpha Flight!…er…I mean the X-Men! Join us as we discuss.. The X-Men looking different, some worse, some better! Peter’s dismissive attitude of the X-Men! What counts as being a mutant anyways? Is Professor X a well known mutant, or just…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Battle of the Insidious 6

    This episode is the among the best Marvel ever made and we have a lot to say about it! Join us as we discuss… How logic is a writer’s best friend! The incredible career and life of Silvermane voice actor Paul Winchell! Updates on the alternate clothing worn by Doc Ock and the Shocker! Peter’s…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Insidious 6

    Season Two of Spider-Man TAS begins with the Neogenic Nightmare series! Join us as we discuss… Peter’s modern new look for the 90s, from 1985! How Michael Morbius already owns a vampire jacket! The stress we felt as kids watching Spider-Man lose his powers! Why don’t the Avengers get off their butts and fight the…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – The Hobgoblin: Part Two

    Hobgoblin steals Kingpin’s seat in a bizarre game of musical chairs and Spider-Man is no closer to truly understanding all the bad guys he is regularly tangling with! It’s another exciting episode of Spider-Man TAS so join us as we discuss… Season 1 of X-Men vs. season 1 of Spider-Man which is better? How many…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – The Hobgoblin: Part One

    The X-Men TAS Podcast is back! Hopefully! Still in the world of Spider-Man TAS, exploring the latest and greatest villain, Hobgoblin! Join us as we discuss… Mark Hamill, not just your ordinary California blonde teenager! The generosity of the Kingpin! Peter Parker, the luckiest apartment hunter in NYC! Mary Jane’s outfit, fashion disaster? The incredibly…