The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
We spoil the crap out of this one so be warned…We discuss… The implications of a post-Endgame World! Peter’s questionable relationship with Tony Stark! The future of Spider-Man movies in the MCU! The future of our podcast! Lest we give away too much in the description, let us just quit while we are ahead! Make…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider-Man Years – The Final Nightmare
Season Two of Spider-Man TAS comes to an exciting finish as Old-Man Peter gets his groove back! Sonia the Great returns to talk about… Elderly superheros! Back to the Future level car accidents! Bad deleted scenes from Superman 2?! Our aversion to misery porn in popular media! Another classic season of Marvel goodness is in…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Ravages of Time
The greatest episode of Spider-Man TAS ever? That’s only one of the many divergent topics on this week’s episode so join us as we discuss… Our thoughts Dark Phoenix one week later! Thoughts on Marvel movies in general, good, bad and everything in between! The Rom-Com Cinematic Universe of the Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks/Billy Crystal oeuvre!…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
The FOX era of the X-Men comes to a close after all these years with Dark Phoenix! Was it good? Was it a trainwreck??? Did it have scenes of trains being wrecked? Join our spoiler-filled discussion for all the highs, lows, creamy-middles and nitpicks you’ve come to love from your dedicated X-hosts! Also, make sure…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Tablet of Time
Silvermane is obsessed with eternal youth while Spider-Man is looking to cut down his doctor’s visits in the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… Hand-drawn vs. computer animation, generational divide? Hammerhead, worst powers in the Marvel Universe? Floating fish grinders, are they real? Deb Whitman and Flash Thompson, fully deserving of…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – The Immortal Vampire
Spider-Man’s life keeps getting more and more messed up as we catch up on all things Blade and Morbius on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… Our thoughts on the Blade movie! The confusing fights between Blade, Morbius and Spider-Man! Spider-Man’s love life gets more tragic! Felicia uses her words…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Blade the Vampire Hunter
Enter Blade…green lightsaber and all on the latest episode of Spider-Man TAS! Join us as we discuss… Our collective failure in giving the Blade movies there due! Rewriting Spider-Man’s pithy jokes 25 years after the fact! Wesley Snipes, why can’t he get more work in Hollywood? What’s up with ninja censorship in England? Blade returning…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Duel of the Hunters
Punisher, Kraven, Spider-Man, Man-Spider, Mary Jane, Morbius, Harry Osborne! The characters that show up in this episode are endless so join us as we discuss… Punisher, less sadistic, more superhero! The smelliest places in NYC! Deborah Whitman’s continued lack of respect! Is the Neogenic Nightmare truly over? More thoughts on Avengers Endgame! That’s right, stay…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: The Spider- Man Years – Enter the Punisher
Punisher enters and Spider-Man is not really afraid…Join us as we discuss… Peter’s still bad at dating! So many HBO references! The various incarnations of the Punisher we could think of! Aunt May in total denial! Spider-Man probably has no respect for Morbius as a scientist! This is one of the best Spider-Man episodes yet…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Avengers End Game (SPOILERS)
We have reached the End Game of the MCU…only proceed if you have as well as we discuss… That time when [REDACTED] Or how about [REDACTED] Our thoughts on [REDACTED] We get the joke, you aren’t going to write any spoil-[REDACTED] Please do yourself a favor and hold off on downloading until you see the…