The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – It’s Never Too Late
Batman helps a gangster find religion on a very gothic and moralistic episode of Batman TAS! Join us as we discuss… Enjoying the latest Moon Knight a bit more! An episode that didn’t stand out when we were kids, but shines in our adult eyes! The strong Sopranos TV Pilot vibes going on in this…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – Feat of Clay: Parts One and Two
The terrifying Clayface emerges in the world of Batman in one of the greatest two-parters ever! Join us as we discuss… Noticing the overall dip in quality in the MCU! Teddy can’t stop reminding us that Clayface’s first name is ‘Matt’! Why it is important that kids learn that huge actors are, more often than…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – Heart of Ice
Batman meets Mr. Freeze in one of the most iconic episodes of superhero animation ever! Join us for this special occasion as we discuss… Narrowing in on exactly why the Disney + format isn’t the best! Was there ever a more beautifully animated episode of…anything? Batman’s bacta tank! How the Mr. Freeze storyline resolves itself…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – On Leather Wings
The true first episode of Batman TAS is up this week as Batman fights the inversion of his name, which happens to be a big scary bat monster! Join us as we discuss… Dipping our toes into the mysterious world of Moon Knight! Having a whole lot of fun imagining a sky dominated by dirigibles!…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – The Cat and the Claw Parts I and II
The Batman TAS era of the X-Men TAS Podcast officially begins! (hopefully that’s not too confusing…) We are running the episodes down in release order so join us for the first two episodes as we discuss… Just why this show is so incredible overall, like you need any convincing! Catwoman’s magical cat powers! Gotham City,…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Batman (1989)
That’s right Marvel boys and girls, this podcast has (temporarily) gone DC! We usher in a new age of Batman talk by starting with Tim Burton’s unforgettable Batman movie from 1989! Join us as we discuss… Not quite as Tim Burtony as we thought! Why this movie owes a lot more to the Adam West…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Foresight Part Two
We talk about the mysterious new “The Batman” movie and drive close to the finish line of Wolverine and the X-Men! Join us as we discuss… A spoilery first-impressions only chat about our feelings checking out “The Batman” Another satisfying Emma twist! Only one of the X-23 clones gets a name? How the X-Men Days…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)
Redemption comes to the X-Men TAS Podcast this week as we explore Zack Snyder’s Justice League! Join us as we discuss (very spoilerifically)… Sonia’s thoughts on seeing the entire Zack Snyder superhero catalog for the first time in 72 hours! How a four hour movie experience is very suited to the times we currently live…