Finding Some "Lesbian Concentrate" at the Flea Market
I was at the Park Slope Flea Market yesterday and came across this gem. It’s a vinyl LP called “Lesbian Concentrate: A Lesbianthology of Songs and Poems.” I wasn’t gonna drop 15 bucks on it, but I sure as Hell was gonna take a picture of it. When I got home, I did a little…
Islands, Vapours Review
Nick Thorburn, leader of Islands and co-founder of the now deceased Unicorns outfit, is my favorite young songwriter. His 2009 LP, Vapours, is my favorite record of 2011, and the more I play it, the more I love it. In the world of indie rock, Islands is big but have yet to transcend the “scene,”…
My Top 100 Youtube Favorites, a Retrospective, Part 4
Sex sells! I want to thank this “Drunken Angel” above and Tal Wilkenfeld from yesterday for drawing a few extra clicks to my humble little site. Before anyone accuses me of perversion or lechery or something, I’d like to defend myself a bit by saying this is one of the better lists of rock and…
My Top 100 Youtube Favorites, a Retrospective, Part 2
Welcome back again to my youtube favorite retrospective part 2! You know the deal, the list is done, and we’re looking back at all the hits that made us laugh, cry, and die. Let’s start rolling right where we left off! #74. The Ramones, Blitzkrieg Bop – It’s more Ramones, the greatest and most original…
My Top 100 Youtube Favorites, a Retrospective, Part 1
Now that my countdown is complete, I thought it’d be fun to look back at the whole list, organize it, link it up, and add a fresh comment or two for posterity’s sake. So, without further ado, here it is, part 1 of my youtube countdown featuring the last 25 songs to appear on the…
The Beatles, All You Need is Love
At last we’ve arrived at part 100 of my youtube favorites countdown. This is the final part of the countdown, and boy has it been a magical journey through some of my favorite songs and videos of all time. I had to end the countdown on the Beatles because it hurts my eyes when they…
The Beatles, Nowhere Man
We are just one tick away to glorious #100 of my youtube countdown. Until then, you’ll have to make due with part 99 which is of course the Beatles with “Nowhere Man” from 1965’s Rubber Soul. Nowhere Man was the first Beatle song that exclusively had no references to love, girls, or romance. Stepping out…
Tribalistas, Ja Sei Namorar
We are getting so close to the end, with part 98 of my youtube countdown. Today, I have something a little more international, and why not? After 97 songs, I’m running out of English songs! Anyway, its a good one. Its the song “Ja Sei Namorar” from the Brazilian group Tribalistas. It’s a breezy poppy…