AC/DC Week, It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll)
AC/DC week rocks on with their 1975 hit “It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock n’ Roll) from High Voltage. Great title, great lyrics, great song. The entire song is a musical orgasm of rock and roll simplicity topped off with an excellent bagpipe solo from Bon Scott himself. This is…
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Season 8!
Larry David is coming back, this Sunday, to HBO. Seinfeld, Larry’s first masterpiece of television an amazing 9 seasons, so it’s equally incredible that Curb Your Enthusiasm is about to enter its 8th glorious season, and by the looks of it, Larry hasn’t lost his touch one bit. The write up today in the nytimes…
John Lennon Was Wrong About Bob Dylan's New Morning LP
Here is an exchange between John Lennon and Jann S. Wenner of Rolling Stone Magazine on Bob Dylan’s 1970 release New Morning, ” WENNER: What do you think of Dylan’s album? LENNON: I thought it wasn’t much. Because I expect more–maybe I expect too much from people – but I expect more. I haven’t been…
Elton John, The Measure of a Man, End Credits of Rocky V
Yesterday was July 4th, and the movie channel AMC celebrated by having a Rocky marathon. I’m a sucker for the Rocky movies. The original Rocky (1976) is clearly a masterpiece. It was subtle, bleak, realistic, hopeful, and filled with great original characters. Rocky II continues the tone of the first, but is more serialized and…
The Making of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The best discoveries are the ones you make by accident. Just yesterday, my roommate keyed me into letmewatchthis.ch, one of those movie streaming websites of dubious legality. It’s a pretty cool site with a lot of variety of stuff, but new and old. On a lark, I typed in “Beatles” in the search box, and…