The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution – On Angel’s Wings
The stars are somehow aligned and a Christmas themed X-Men episode enters our midst! Join us as we discuss… The Flight Attendant, the Mandalorian (spoilers) and Transformers! Why Angel is emblematic of the X-Men’s universe of characters being so great! Seeing how much times have changed since the early 2000s! #freethebeast??? A fierce debate over…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution: Joyride
We take a joyride through the copious Disney splurge of new Star Wars and Marvel content before we transition into a very satisfying Avalanche episode of X-Men Evolution! Join us as we discuss… All our hot-takes on Kenobi, Loki, Lando, Fantastic Four and everything inside and out from the Disney corpro-rama-rama! Having our expectations pleasantly…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution: African Storm
We peer into a sliver of Storm’s incredible backstory on our return to X-Men: Evolution! Join us as we discuss… The future of movie theaters! There is so much more to Storm than we’ve ever been given! The X-Men did Spyke dirty! Wanting to just accept Beast’s presence while trying to forget his backstory! Embedding…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – The New Mutants (2020)
We take a break from Evolution to check out the notoriously delayed New Mutants movie! Join us as we spoilerifically discuss… Enjoying the performances of the talented young cast! Taking issue with some clumsy script writing! The weird, unnecessary homages to Joss Whedon! Feeling a bit disappointed at Fox potentially wasting classic X-Men characters and…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution: Adrift
The X-Men TAS Podcast returns to NYC and get back in the groove with a solid episode that reminded us of some prime Baywatch-esque drama. Join us as we discuss… Enjoying Marvel 616 and season 4 of the Crown! RIP to Kirby Morrow, voice of Cyclops from X-Men Evolution… Getting to hang out a bit…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution: The Beast of Bayville
The X-Men team welcomes in a classic member and we take some issues with the way they roll out the blue carpet for our old pal Beast! Join us as we discuss… The long and winding road of our personal MCU marathon! “I can’t help you,” Professor X in a nutshell! Not the most ambitious…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution: Fun and Games
Things are starting to sizzle for our teenage heroes as they tangle with the world’s most dangerous video game master, Arcade! Join us as we discuss… The time capsule nature of our podcast, plus some Mandalorian season 2 hot takes! Desperately trying, and failing to come up with Arcade’s real name! Trying to come up…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution: Power Surge
Hey, the forecast calls for the craziest week ever, so why don’t we all just chill out with some X-Men? Join us as we discuss… Our random recs including, Queens Gambit, Blood of Zeus and Hades! Telepathy vs. Telekinesis, which is more plausible? Scott Summers, resident Duckie! What exactly is the personality of Jean Grey?…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution: Bada-Bing-Bada-Boom
Season 2 starts to sizzle with one of the sassiest X-Men making a lot of mischief! Join us as we discuss… Who would Karl Urban play in the X-Men Universe? Dazzler from the X-Men Arcade game…that should have been Boom Boom, right? Scott Summers, a jock in the mold of Tom Cruise? Professor X doesn’t…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: X-Men Evolution: Growing Pains
Season Two of X-Men Evolution starts with some good world building and a few intriguing mysteries! Join us as we discuss… Speaking of Season 2’s, how about the Boys!? And how about Spider-Man 3!? Professor X opening up the school to some of our favorite mutant legends! Scott, she’s not waving to you, but we…