James Taylor, Something in the Way She Moves

I don’t know too much about James Taylor, but perhaps its time I start.  I’m just gonna rattle off what I know off the top of my head.  He was a recovering heroin addict, suffering from severe depression, when at some point he finally put his life together and allowed his incredible talent to flourish.  He was one of the early super star signings for the fledgling “Apple Records,” the Beatles hot new label, cutting his first record with the help of Paul McCartney and George Harrison among others.  Ever since the phenomenal success of his debut, he has sort of coasted along in the first class world of pop’s elder statesmen, performing his trusty hits, and melting hearts everywhere he goes with his perfect fragile style.  This video of “Something in the Way She Moves,” a clip I first saw in the Beatles Anthology documentary, has always stuck with me.  It’s just one of the purest examples of a man, his guitar, and a song.  Even with his acne, it is perfection with no adornment, one of the ultimate expressions of the folk pop format executed with heart breaking beauty.  James just has a way of drawing you into his intimate world, to a place we’ve all been to.  It’s just spellbinding.  Please watch this and appreciate the artistry and genius going on here.