The X-Men TAS Podcast: Tolerance is Extinction – Part Two
To quote the dearly departed Gambit, it doesn’t get much better than this, does it? The great Adam Khan joins us to break down the penultimate Season One X-Men 97 episode, so join us as we discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Tolerance is Extinction – Part One
A star studded episode of X-Men 97 streaks into our hearts as an all-time classic! The great Jeff Tepper joins us this to discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Bright Eyes
Rogue sends Captain America on a fetch quest while the X-Men start losing their patience with the world on the latest episode of X-Men TAS! Join us as we discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Lifedeath Part Two
X-Men TAS Podcast super fan (and friend) Brian Fusco fills in for Sonia this week as we dive into all things Shi’ar, Lilandra and Storm on the latest and greatest episode of X-Men 97! Join us as discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Remember It
Everything imaginable happens on the latest episode of X-Men 97 and we are left relatively speechless…but not too speechless so join us to discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Motendo/Lifedeath Part One
Jubilee and Sunspot travel to the Mojoverse through a video game console and Storm slaps Forge in the face on the latest episode of X-Men 97 TAS! Join us as we discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Fire Made Flesh
So it turns out X-Men 97 is a smash hit and we can barely believe that this is all happening so join us and discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: To Me, My X-Men + Mutant Liberation Begins
Well, well, well…IT’S THE RETURN OF X-MEN TAS OMG JOIN US AS WE DISCUSS… We are so happy to be covering X-Men again and pleased as punch at how well it seemingly has turned out and are thrilled to share the experience with everyone out there! The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group,…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – Beware the Creeper + Mad Love
We reach another milestone as we cross the the finish line on Batman TAS! What a ride it is has been! Join us as we discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you…
The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – Chemistry + Judgement Day
It’s plot-twist week as the Dark Knight almost marries a monster and a mysterious new vigilante almost kills three super-villains on the latest two episodes of Batman TAS! Join us as we discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to…