Category: The X-Men TAS Podcast

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Backlash

    The X-Men and Brotherhood team up to fight Sentinels while we ponder why Kitty is afraid of fighting robots! It’s an action packed episode so join as we discuss… Seeing the Eternals again and setting some new rules when it comes to movie reviews! Reflecting wistfully on the end of the excellent hard sci-fi drama,…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Code of Conduct

    On the latest episode of Wolverine and the X-Men we explore Wolverine’s Samurai backstory and on a personal note, look on with intense envy at Wolverine’s healing factor! Join us as we discuss… Willie’s great fall and how dreaming of Spider-Man made it worse! Trying to separate pop-culture knowledge of the Yazkua vs. the real…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Badlands

    Twenty years in the future. Professor X meets Polaris in the sand-swept ruins of Genosha as we contemplate twenty more years of endless Spider-Man sequels on a whole new W&tXM entry of X-TAS! Join us as we discuss… Diving into the wild rumors surrounding the resurrection of various Sony-verse Spider Universes! Trying to figure out…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Hunting Grounds

    Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Wanda meet Mojo somewhere under the sea…far from the Mojoverse for some reason in the latest episode of W&tXM! Join us as we discuss… Our hot-takes on Matrix: Resurrections, the Hawkeye finale and some more loose thoughts we had on Spider-Man: No Way Home (mild spoilers for all)! Why Mojo would be…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: BONUS – Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    We return to the Spider-Man years and Sony’s Spider-Tastic Cinematic Universe as we dive deep into Spider-Man: No Way Home! Join us as we discuss… All the spoilerly details fit to print (well, we won’t print them here)! No extended bullet points for this one, you just gotta dive in once you have seen the…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Stolen Lives

    In 2021, it seems like Wolverine is the only one left in the dark when it comes to his mysterious past! This time, Mystique is the one help him find out what everyone already knows on the latest episode of W&tXM! Join us as we discuss… Our appreciation for 90s Superman TAS and our current…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Battle Lines

    No one on the X-Men takes Wolverine seriously as the leader and Rogue finally reveals just what the heck she has been up to this whole time! It’s a thrilling episode of W&tXM so join us to discuss… Is Hawkeye a smooth bit of Christmas entertainment or just a complete waste of time? Hologram phones,…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – eXcessive Force

    Cyclops unleashes hell and lives up to the back of his Marvel trading card in the latest episode of W&tXM! Join us as we discuss… Venom 2, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, King Richard and most importantly, Get Back, the greatest gift imaginable for any Beatles fan! Cyclops commits a lot of crimes in broad daylight! Emma is…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Past Discretions

    Another X-Men TAS superfan joins flies in from across the sea to talk to us about how sad this version of Sabertooth’s outfit is! We welcome in the magnificent Tom and let the hot-takes fly so join us as we discuss… Some more hopes and fears surrounding X-Men 97! How the quality of the latest…


    We have seen a lot of crazy things happen since launching this podcast in the ancient year of 2017 but nothing could prepare us for the RETURN of X-MEN TAS in the form of X-MEN 97! This momentous announcement required a collection of X-Men TAS Podcast SUPERFANS to help to even begin to comprehend what…