Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Mean Woman Blues/Blue Suede Shoes

In part 47 of my youtube countdown I present to you two titans of classic rock and roll.  Jerry Lee Lewis, the Killer, and Carl Perkins, the king of rockabilly, united, as they often were, having a ball playing a medley of “Mean Woman Blues,” and “Blue Suede Shoes.”  This video is a blast of fun.  Jerry is playing the piano with his shoes, with his usual fire, while Carl steps up to Jerry’s near unmatchable energy and provides a FANTASTIC guitar solo.  There are so many things to like about this video.  First, I love Carl’s gorgeous powder blue electric guitar.  I love how when Jerry misses a line, he makes this hilarious Looney Tunes like face, but rolls on smoothly.  Of all the classic rock and rollers, Jerry was the closest to an abstraction, a larger then life hellcat sent from the moon to turn your High School Hop into a scene of pure raging anarchy.  Because of Jerry’s scandal where he married his 13 year old cousin, the world was really robbed of appreciating Jerry’s star at its highest levels of ridiculousness.  But whatever, he still rolls on.  Sadly, Carl doesn’t, but no one need worry there, he burned such a legacy of genius, and I’ll be exploring that more tomorrow.  Enjoy.