The X-Men TAS Podcast: Wolverine and the X-Men – Code of Conduct

On the latest episode of Wolverine and the X-Men we explore Wolverine’s Samurai backstory and on a personal note, look on with intense envy at Wolverine’s healing factor! Join us as we discuss…

  • Willie’s great fall and how dreaming of Spider-Man made it worse!
  • Trying to separate pop-culture knowledge of the Yazkua vs. the real thing!
  • Does Wolverine’s Japanese origin storyline work for you?
  • Hey Mariko, we’re pretty sure Wolverine can get you safely away from the Yakuza!
  • A long tangent on the reality of real star-crossed lovers!

Again, thanks to everyone who wished me well after my accident…your support really does make me feel good in an otherwise crappy time! The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun to be had! Also, make sure to subscribe to our podcast via BuzzsproutiTunes or Stitcher and tell all your friends about it! Last but not least, follow Willie Simpson on Twitter and please join our Facebook Group!